The mission of TaynAdvisors is to transform lives and provide innovative solutions through expert educational advice for students and families around the world.

The purpose of TaynAdvisors creation is for students and families to have a place where they can get expert comprehensive educational planning and innovative, effective solutions. We have seen again and again how the right school or program can make all the difference for a child, adolescent or young adult, and we work to fill that important need. Our families come from across the United States as well as around the world and RNG has finely tuned their ability to work with students and parents no matter where they are.



There are roughly three phases to our process for boarding and/or therapeutic placements. Please contact us to learn how we can customize this process for you.

  1. Assessment
    No matter the situation, the first step is getting to know the student and the family as well as we can. We do this by assessing the needs of the student, their priorities, and the family values. We do this through interviews with the student, family, and key professionals; student and parent questionnaires; informal and formal surveys; testing; and a school record review. We have a worldwide network of referrals for additional evaluations as needed.
  2. Working phase
    Once we know the student and their needs as well as strengths, we can begin to make recommendations based on their goals. We help the student and/or family through all the steps of the process, from identifying schools, programs, or colleges and universities, to applying and accepting the offer of admission. When appropriate, we can facilitate conversations with schools and programs to ascertain the placement fit.
  3. Post placement phase
    After the student starts school, we remain involved for the duration of the contract to ensure the student makes a smooth transition. Depending on the family’s needs, we can remain involved long-term and provide long-term support and guidance.

Here is where you can find more information about boarding placements and therapeutic placements.

College Placements

When working with students on the college process, we:

  1. Get to know the student to understand their abilities, skills, talents, interests, personality, and learning style
  2. Suggest appropriate colleges and guide the student through the research phase
  3. Advise on appropriate testing strategies and timelines for the application process
  4. Assist students to tell their story throughout the application so that their uniqueness will shine
  5. Help to plan how to make the most of their college visits, whether it be virtual or in person
  6. Guide students through the college essay and supplemental essay writing process in order to create a memorable story
  7. Work with the family on finalizing the college list
  8. Discuss the financial considerations of their college choices and options for financial assistance
  9. Coach students on the college interview process
  10. Help students meet all application deadlines
  11. Meet with students to help them finalize their choices after acceptances are received
  12. Advise students on transitioning to college to set them up for success once they are ready to leave home